Fangelsuš Fylgja!

Jęja, žį er aš koma sér ķ vinnustellingar eftir įgętis Hvķtasunnu.

Fyrsta nįmskeišiš mitt hérlendis var haldiš į fimmtudaginn var, mér fannst žaš ganga stórvel. Viš erum til hśsa ķ Sjśkražjįlfunarstöšinni įtak, mér finnst hśsnęšiš frįbęrt og Adda sem į žetta er alger perla! Žaš fer bara mjög vel um mig žarna.

Žaš męttu 4 konur, vona į  tveimur til višbótar nęsta fimmtudag og žaš er bara įgętis męting. Mér finnst mjög sérstakt aš vera  aš gera žetta į ķslensku og į Ķslandi :) 

En annars var ég aš fį žetta įframsent:

I gave birth to a baby girl on April 12, 2007. I was planning a homebirth but ended up birthing at Sunrise hospital in Las Vegas, Nevada, due to medical concerns. Her birth was absolutely amazing and included lots of twists and turns. Her entire birth story and PhotoShow can be viewed at . While her birth wasn't quite as I had planned, I am so thankful that I had my HypnoBirthing skills to keep me calm and comfortable.

Before entering the OR and birthing my daughter, I asked to have my placenta saved to take with me for encapsulation upon discharge from the hospital. The hospital denied me my placenta; a court case is now pending. Details can be found on this blog: . For those who don't know, the placenta has many benefits for the postpartum period and is believed to aid in healing. (Details on the benefits of the placenta can be found at: ) The Las Vegas Review Journal (LVRJ) became interested and wrote a story ( ) which came out in the Sunday, May 6, 2007, newspaper.

A peaceful and legal rally was held on Monday, May 7, at 10 am on the sidewalks around Sunrise Hospital. I really appreciate everyone who came out to support us (both physically and in thoughts) while we were at the rally. Channel 13 ABC KTNV ran the piece all day yesterday and has a link to the video on their Web site ( ). The LVRJ also did a follow up piece ( ). Las Vegas AM 840 also had several segments discussing the issue. The blog has 14 pictures of the rally.

The original reason that the hospital gave as to why they would not release my placenta was, they did not "feel comfortable." Even after agreeing to sign a waiver releasing the hospital of liability, they still refuse to release my placenta. No law prohibits me from obtaining my placenta and other hospitals release placentas. This is a civil liberties issue and is likely to be a precedent-setting case that may go all the way to the Supreme Court, as there is no appellate court in Nevada.

I did hear from Sunrise's lawyer again; they still won't give my placenta back without a judge ordering them to release it, and planned to hold it only until May 15, 2007. They now claim that OSHA won't allow it because the placenta has been cross-contaminated.

Since so much time has passed and with the possibility that my placenta has been contaminated (which is negligent on the part of the hospital), I will no longer be able to use my placenta as originally intended. However, I am still pressing forward in the hopes that my struggle with make positive changes for other women. All women should have the implicit right to their (and their baby's) placenta.

While I have been working with a lawyer who wants to take the case pro bono, he had not taken the case as of May 9, so, I still don't have committed legal representation. However, I do have an MD who is willing to testify that there is no health risk to release the placenta to the mother and that the ingestion of it actually could be beneficial. I am contemplating contacting ACLU in hopes that they may be able assist.

Those who are interested can sign a petition (contact for details) to help change the law.

~ Anne Swanson, BS, HBCE
(702) 385-3331
Ég spyr mig, hvaš er aš fólki? Aš halda fylgju ķ gķslingu? Er réttur kvenna til aš rįša yfir lķkama sķnum ķ ALVÖRU ekki meiri en žetta?



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ég skil reyndar ekki hvaš konan vildi meš fylgjuna enda kemur žaš mér ekki viš en ég er yfir mig hneyksluš yfir aš hśn hafi ekki mįtt fį hana  žar sem hśn er jś nokkurs konar eigandi og framleišandi hennar en svona er kvennaveruleikinn žvķ mišur........

tinna (IP-tala skrįš) 29.5.2007 kl. 13:21

Bęta viš athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.

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Eydís Hentze Pétursdóttir


Eydís Hentze Pétursdóttir
Eydís Hentze Pétursdóttir

Ég starfa við fæðingahjálp þá er svipar til þeirrar er doulur og birthcoaches veita. Kannski er best að titla mig sem Fæðingacoach. Ég útskrifaðist úr námi Miu Jiaya, sl. sumar. Mia Jiaya ásamt Binnie Dansby , Michel Odent og Jeannine Parvati Baker eru þeir aðilar sem ég hef hlotið einna mesta kennslu af.  Stærstu lærimeistarar mínir eru þó börnin mín, Marteinn, Regína og Katrín. Ég er einnig svo lánsöm að hafa hann Gumma minn mér við hlið í flestu sem ég geri. Hann er sambýlismaður minn, faðir barna minna, besti vinur minn og andlegur félagi. Við búum í Keflavík, nýlega flutt aftur eftir langa dvöl í Danmörku. Vinnan mín er mitt helsta áhugamál, en önnur eru jurtir, matseld, andleg iðkun og málefni og lestur. 

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