The twelve steps BEFORE Alanon

The Twelve Steps before Al-Anon
1. We admitted we were powerless over nothing -- that we could control, manage our own lives perfectly and of those of anyone else who would allow us.
2. Came to believe there was no Power greater than ourselves and the rest of the world was insane.
3. Made a decision to have our loved ones and friends turn their lives over to our care, even if they couldn’t understand us at all.
4. Made a searching and fearless moral and immoral inventory of everyone we knew.
5. Admitted to the world the exact nature of everyone else’s problems.
6. Were entirely ready to make others straighten up and do right.      
7. Demanded others to shape up or ship out.
8. Made a list of all persons who had harmed us, and became willing to go to any length’s to get even with them all.
9. Got direct revenge to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure our selves or get jail sentence.
10. Continued to take personal inventory of others and when they were wrong we falsely and repeatedly told them about it.
11. Sought through bitching and nagging to improve our relation with others, as we couldn’t understand them at all.   Asking others, only that they do it our way. 
12. Having had a complete physical, spiritual and emotional breakdown as the result of these Steps, we tried to blame it on others to get sympathy and pity in all our affairs.


Ég er bśin aš hlęgja mig mįttlausa yfir žessu! 

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1 identicon

Hehe, jį žessi er góšur ..og svo satt, svo satt.


jóna björg (IP-tala skrįš) 21.6.2007 kl. 13:36

Bęta viš athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.

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Eydís Hentze Pétursdóttir


Eydís Hentze Pétursdóttir
Eydís Hentze Pétursdóttir

Ég starfa við fæðingahjálp þá er svipar til þeirrar er doulur og birthcoaches veita. Kannski er best að titla mig sem Fæðingacoach. Ég útskrifaðist úr námi Miu Jiaya, sl. sumar. Mia Jiaya ásamt Binnie Dansby , Michel Odent og Jeannine Parvati Baker eru þeir aðilar sem ég hef hlotið einna mesta kennslu af.  Stærstu lærimeistarar mínir eru þó börnin mín, Marteinn, Regína og Katrín. Ég er einnig svo lánsöm að hafa hann Gumma minn mér við hlið í flestu sem ég geri. Hann er sambýlismaður minn, faðir barna minna, besti vinur minn og andlegur félagi. Við búum í Keflavík, nýlega flutt aftur eftir langa dvöl í Danmörku. Vinnan mín er mitt helsta áhugamál, en önnur eru jurtir, matseld, andleg iðkun og málefni og lestur. 

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